Any organization will eventually reach a point where the inaccuracy of improvised resource management in Excel is too burdensome and costly. Lack of responsiveness to the market, loss of income, earnings, customer satisfaction, and market share … So, what model should be adopted to improve resource management?
How to better manage resources in your organization
It’s all about identifying and implementing uniform methods, making it possible to visualize the availability of resources, to allocate them judiciously, then to analyze and arbitrate the allocations.
However, there is no universal model for managing resources. In fact, the activity, the size, the configuration, the degree of maturity of the organization, the nature and the complexity of the relationships between project managers and resource managers will condition the methods of allocation and arbitration of resources.
How to optimize the allocation and arbitration of resources with a PPM tool
Project portfolio management software with dedicated resource management functionalities can significantly improve visibility and allocation by balancing work demand and available resources.
Using tools such as timesheets for monitoring task completion, your resource manager or PMO will identify the workload of each member of the team and will be able to distribute the work fairly and avoid overloading some of your collaborators.
A portfolio and project management tool will help the PMO to better prioritize projects according to the availability and skills of resources: more planning, fewer delays = better Return on Investment.
How to tackle your Resource issues
To find out how to determine the resource management model best suited to the methods and issues of your PMO, watch our on-demand webinar. You’ll understand the Sciforma based approach for resourcing issues:
- Step 1. Implement resource management functionality to gain basic resource visibility
- Step 2. Introduce a formal resource assignment approval process, incorporate project priority, and implement basic capacity management capabilities
- Step 3. Support the ability to assign resources at a more granular level

Camélia Docquin
Camélia is Sciforma’s Global Marketing Director and enjoys learning different perspectives of the current business environment and project management challenges that enterprises and individuals face daily. Main interests include : innovation, digital transformation, and strategy execution.