In the last few years, you have probably heard more about digital transformation than you ever wanted to.  And now we have a blog on the topic, in fact, this is the first of two digital transformation blogs.  Why?  Because digital transformation is still a massive influence on how your organization needs to operate.  IDC forecasts that annual spending on it will reach almost $4 trillion by 2027.  If you’re not a part of that expenditure, you can be sure that your competitors are. 

But here’s the problem.  A lot of that expenditure is focused on the digital part of the picture, not so much the transformation part. Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, famously said at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic: “We’ve seen two years of digital transformation in two months.”  But that was the growth in the use of digital tools to cope with the forced remote working models of the pandemic. 


An accelerated digital transformation

Think back to your own adjustments at that time.  You doubtless embraced technology in order to maintain the ability to do business. And you made some adjustments and adaptations in order to optimize effectiveness and efficiency as a result of that switch to digital work.  But your focus was on maintaining your operations, not at reinventing how work got done now that you were more digitized. 

And that’s where most organizations are.  Like you, they have embraced the technology, and continue to invest in it in massive amounts, fueled most recently by the explosion of AI. But they aren’t taking the opportunity to fundamentally reimagine how work can get done. They aren’t transforming. 


Why is that transformation so hard to achieve? 

There are a number of reasons, but it comes down to visibility. Visibility into what you want to achieve, and visibility into what you are actually achieving. 

To provide complete visibility to all stakeholders at all times you need a word-class enterprise level project portfolio management (PPM) solution like Sciforma’s. That not only allows you to plan your key strategic investments around digital transformation, it allows you to communicate those priorities to all areas of the business. All with one consistent, easy to understand message. 


How a PPM Software can help your digital transformation?

This provides the people doing the work, the people driving your solutions that will leverage improved digital tools, the context for their work. They aren’t just implementing new or improved technologies. They’re helping to deliver meaningful business outcomes for you through that technology. That starts the shift from digitization to transformation. 

That same PPM solution also allows you to track the progress of your work across all work methods and structures.  As a result, when variances occur you can make adjustments and shifts, explaining those pivots in terms of the business need. The transformation, not just in terms of the technology.  That further cements the idea that the technology is simply the enabler for the growth of your business. That the difference maker is the transformation. 

If you aren’t in a position to do that, contact Sciforma to begin your journey towards a transformed enterprise. 


More about Digital Transformation:

The Ultimate Digital Transformation Guide Tool Kit

What’s the Digital Divide (And How to Stay On the Right Side)

The 4 Main Challenges (and Solutions) of Project Portfolio Management

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