We want to consider today the idea of resource capability management – the skills that an organization needs.  There tends to be a lot of focus on resource capacity – ensuring that there are enough people to complete the work.  But unless those people also have skills and experience that align with the work that the organization is going to be undertaking, it doesn’t matter how many there are. The work won’t succeed. 

That’s why it’s essential for you to understand the skills that your current resources have. And it’s why it’s essential for you to understand the skills that your organization will need to deliver its planned strategies.  The problem, is that you likely don’t have accurate insight into either of those areas. 

Skills evolve through time

When it comes to current skills, your HR department likely has a record of the skills and certifications that each employee possessed at the time of hiring. But frequently that isn’t maintained, even when development has been pursued through the organization itself.  That may leave your records outdated and inaccurate. 

Additionally, the skills maintained by HR are likely only the ones that the employee originally provided, based on what was relevant for the role that they originally applied for.  You may have different needs now, and you may not have access to that information. 

How to predict future skills

For future skill needs, the problem is simply that your organization is likely not looking enough ahead.  Or perhaps more accurately, you aren’t able to look far enough ahead.  That’s because you don’t have enough understanding of the skills that you will need for upcoming initiatives. So you can’t plan to develop existing staff, hire new people with different skills, or procure services from third parties. 

This lack of visibility into available and required skills is clearly problematic already. However, in the next few years, it will become worse if you aren’t able to correct it.  The pace of technological change, powered by advancements in AI, will accelerate. Leaving your business having to react quickly to implement innovative solutions that keep you relevant for your customers and efficient in your operations. 

To meet this demand, you must act today to improve your ability to understand. And predict resource capabilities for a better resource capability management.  There are two key elements to that: 

  • Implement an enterprise-wide project portfolio management (PPM) solution to allow for improved planning and consistent communication across all your functions and business areas. 
  • Develop stronger relationships between your project, program, and portfolio delivery areas and your HR, procurement, and leadership development functions. 

How a PPM Tool can help you with your resource capacity management

Addressing the PPM element of this with a tool like Sciforma’s also helps you to address the relationship part with HR and related functions.  World-class PPM allows your organization to gain better visibility into upcoming plans with capabilities like roadmaps.  That in turn allows you to improve communication across your enterprise. Allowing all of your teams to collaborate more effectively. 

Additionally, by integrating PPM software with the rest of your IT infrastructure, it becomes easier for you to maintain and update information on your project resources. And it helps to ensure that you always have an accurate picture of current skills.  This also provides your employees and contractors with accountability and control over their own skills profiles. 

At the speed of change of modern business, your enterprise is going to find it increasingly difficult to ensure that you have the right people with the right skills at the right time.  If you don’t have the processes and tools to help you address that challenge, it will be even harder. 

More about resource allocation and resource capacity management:

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