In the last couple of blogs, we’ve looked at how Sciforma Vantage can help you plan and deliver your sustainability projects, even in an environment that is constantly evolving. As sustainability has become more of a mainstream consideration for organizations, the need to manage this type of initiative has become more important than ever. But something else is also happening. Organizations are realizing the sustainability is not just for dedicated projects.

As business leaders, employees, and customers become more aware of the importance of sustainability, it has become a differentiator. Customers use it as a reason to buy. Potential employees factor it in to their decisions around who to work for, and investors consider it in their view of organizations. As a result, it’s no longer enough to carry out a few dedicated sustainability initiatives in each business cycle.

Instead, organizations are expected to build sustainability into everything that they do. Whether that’s the use of recycled or recyclable components, commitments to environmentally conscious energy sources, or anything else, sustainability must be a consideration for all operational elements and discretionary investments. And it must be demonstrable, meaningful contributions. The organization must be sustainable, not just do sustainability. How do you achieve that?

Demonstrating the commitment
Well, there is no reason not to include sustainability goals and objectives in as many projects as possible. With Sciforma Vantage, you can define whatever goals and objectives for sustainability that you want. Then, establish contributions to those objectives for every approved initiative that could possibly contribute. That may be reduced packaging for a new consumer product, a net neutral carbon footprint for a factory build, or anything in between.

Once an investment ties to an objective, you can track the progress throughout the project’s life and into production. That way, your business leaders can track progress against sustainability just as easily as they track revenue, market share, or profitability targets. Easily configured templates ensure teams know where and how they are contributing. All stakeholders can adjust efforts if variances occur.

Because Sciforma Vantage integrates with your full technology infrastructure, it aligns easily with your ESG (environment, sustainability, and governance) software. This integration allows you to produce compliance and sustainability reports for regulators, customers, or other stakeholders. Your organization demonstrates contributions made not just by individual initiatives but across the entire organization. This reinforces its commitment to long-term sustainability.

Looking to the future
In the future, the idea of sustainability is only going to become more important. Organizations will need to not just carry out sustainable work but truly embody sustainability in every aspect of their operations. With Sciforma Vantage, your team can set long-term, aspirational goals and track progress just as easily as short-term objectives. Everyone in your enterprise can see progress clearly, driving motivation to excel.

At the same time, Vantage itself helps you achieve your sustainability goals. By providing a single solution to drive all of your strategic work, it boosts productivity, increases returns, and reduces administrative overhead. It drives capital efficiency and improves performance across your entire organization.

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