Your Guide to the Project Management Office (PMO)

The Project Management Office (or as it’s more commonly known, the PMO) is an organizational group that oversees and standardizes a business’s project management processes. This may include managing resources, budgets, tools, and project data to ensure they align with organizational goals. As businesses evolve, however, the role of the PMO has become so nuanced that its function can seem like a mystery. This guide offers an in-depth look how a PMO works, different types of PMOs, common PMO performance metrics, and how an enterprise PMO (EPMO) software can help make life easier for the entire organization.  

How Enterprise PMO (EPMO) Software Can Help

We’ve seen that creating and optimizing a PMO is a delicate and complex process requiring skill, time, and energy. The good news is that dedicated tools, including Sciforma, were invented to help.


Sciforma’s PMO project management software is designed to offer PPM leaders the specific capabilities they need to optimize project outcomes. Our adaptable and scalable tools are well-suited to departmental and enterprise PMOs alike, giving you the power to customize your project management solutions to your organization’s needs.

Why Choose an Enterprise PMO Software?

PPM tools basically exist to make the lives of project managers and PMOs easier.   It all starts with the centralization and consolidation of all the data into the platform. On top of that centralizing layer, PPM software typically offers an array of capabilities designed to simplify and optimize activities. In particular, project management software for the PMO is instrumental in improving project selection and PMO maturity level.    Several PMO methodologies exist, each offering distinct approaches to project portfolio management. The choice of PMO methodology depends on factors such as organizational culture, project complexity, and industry requirements.    For this reason, it’s key that your PMO software tool doesn’t confine you to a specific methodology. The right PPM tool should offer flexibility.  

Must-Have Functionalities of the Best PMO Software

When selecting an EPMO tool, your first concern should be its ability to meet your specific needs. However, any good tool should have a set of foundational, core capabilities.

Reporting and Dashboards

Let’s start with reporting and dashboards. Reporting functionalities encompass the capacity to generate, analyze, and communicate project data comprehensively. They aggregate data, offering a consolidated view of project metrics.


These capabilities facilitate the creation of diverse reports, ranging from financial summaries to resource utilization metrics. Armed with these insights, PMOs can showcase project performance effectively.


Dashboards are a crucial pillar of reporting capabilities. An executive dashboard is a visual reporting tool that consolidates project KPIs into a comprehensive display for organizational leaders. It provides a real-time snapshot of the project portfolio’s health, progress, and overall performance.


Some dashboards and reports are more specifically geared towards the PMO. For example, “PMO Supervision” workspaces provide PMOs with a centralized view of all important information and tools associated with their projects. 

Collaborative Work Management

Collaborative functions such as Gantt charts and Kanban boards are other essential components of EPMO tools. They provide dynamic visual representations of project timelines and workflows. Gantt charts allow PMOs to create detailed project schedules, fostering a clear understanding of tasks and dependencies. Kanban boards facilitate agile project management, enabling teams to visualize work, track progress, and adapt rapidly. Crucial for PMOs, these features enhance team collaboration, communication, and overall project visibility.

Resource Allocation and Management

Virtually all EPMO tools also offer functionality to help PMOs ensure the efficient and effective deployment of organizational resources. It is about ensuring that all skill workers are where and when they are most needed. This way, the organization can optimize the utilization rate of critical resources. To that end, EPMO platforms enable resource managers and decision-makers to check resource availability and attributes at a glance.

What-if Scenario Modelling

EPMO tools also provide scenario modelling capabilities for the management of the pipeline. Making the data speak sometimes requires creating projections. PMOs need the ability to simulate multiple scenarios, both at the project level and across portfolios.   The option to drill down into finer-grained project information while simulating a scenario will ensure more accurate estimates. Portfolio simulation capabilities make it possible to create multiple “what-if” scenarios across multiple portfolios.

Enterprise PMO Software Best Practices

A solid change management strategy is a key best practice to make the most of an enterprise PMO tool. The introduction of an enterprise PMO tool into your company will disrupt the daily work of teams to some extent. This will likely raise a number of questions. You need to make sure that everyone enjoys easy access to support and resources to ease the transition.


It is also important to document your use of the tool and benchmark external best practices. This will empower you to evolve and grow your PPM tool over time. For that, you’ll need to select a powerful enterprise PMO platform with solid document consolidation and collaboration features.


Even after tool roll-out and adoption, stakeholder communication remains a must. PMOs should formalize and circulate information to communicate a clear vision of what they’re doing and what for.


Explain how your initiative will benefit the PPM staff, as these people are on the front line. Their buy-in is critical to optimizing enterprise PPM. To effectively enable collaboration and alignment, project portfolio managers should make sure that adequate communication and collaboration tools are implemented and adopted.


Finally, managed services offerings and strategic advisory consulting services can make all the difference for an EPMO. These help PMOs fully maximize the benefits of their PPM solution by partnering them with a team of experts.